Timmy vs. Vicky is the climax battle song sung by Timmy and Vicky in "Return of the Musical: Vicky's Evil Plot!"
Vicky: I hate you stupid kids!
I hate the way you play around,
Having fun under the sun!
I hate you most of all, Twerp!
You're the cause of my sister's happiness,
Without you, her life would be a mess!
So I hate you most of all!
And this is why you'll FALL!
Timmy: It's over, it's done!
You'll never rule the world!
It's over, you're finished here
You evil little girl!
Both: Oh!
Timmy: I am the ONLY Fairy King!
I fight for kids everywhere!
Take me on if you dare!
I fought your robot army,
And all your little scares!
I'm really getting angry!
There's just one thing to do!
Get rid of all your robots,
And then I'm comin' after you!
Both: Oh!
Timmy: I am the ONLY Fairy King!
(Mecha-Vicky, First Form)
Vicky: How adorable, you really think
You can defeat me!
Stupid twerp,
Childish brat!
It isn't meant to be!
Tootie: Timmy come on, now's your chance
To show her you're in charge!
Timmy: I couldn't agree more!
I'll show her what I have in store!
Vicky: What a ridiculous twerp!
I really have to laugh!
Just surrender now,
Or I'll have to write your epitaph!
Timmy: You sure talk a lot of talk,
You're almost as big as your mouth.
But when I'm done with you,
Your whole plan will go south!
Both: Oh!
Timmy: I am the ONLY Fairy King!
Both: Oh!
Timmy: I am the ONLY Fairy King!