Fairly Odd Fanon Wiki
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:'''Timmy:''' Sally, where did Dappy come from? Why does he look like me? Did he attend your school?
:'''Timmy:''' Sally, where did Dappy come from? Why does he look like me? Did he attend your school?
:'''Sally:''' I told you before, Timmy, Dappy's home schooled.
:'''Sally:''' I told you before, Timmy, Dappy's home schooled.
:Timmy: Ok. Alright guys, let's go talk to Dappy and sort things out.
:'''Timmy''': OK. Alright guys, let's go talk to Dappy and sort things out.
:All: Yeah.
:'''All''': Yeah.

Revision as of 19:55, 22 July 2019

Timmy's Biggest Fan/Quotes

(Timmy, Timantha, Ivan and Chloe riding on their fairies as bikes)
Timmy: I don't know who would be in the middle of the Dimmsdale Desert, but whoever he or she is must really have a messed up G.P.S.
Chloe: Over there on the right, Timmy.
Ivan: A pile of rocks? That's where the S.O.S. signal led us to?
Cosmo: I was thinking somewhere in a nightclub.
Wanda: In the middle of the day?
Cosmo: Duh. Everyone knows that nightclub doors are only open at night.
Timantha: Moving on.
(the kids walk near the rocks)
Timmy: Hello?
(a kid pops out from behind the rocks)
Kid: (gasp) I knew it! The legacy has become a reality!
(Timmy, Ivan, Timantha and Chloe look at each other questionably)
Timmy: Oooookay?...
Kid: What?! That's not what you were suppose to say! Oh, the cruel and unusual irony.
Ivan: Hey, kid, whoever you are, just hop in and we'll just get you out of here.
(the boy takes the back seat on Cosmo in bike form)
Kid: How could you say something so questionably? I thought for sure you would say something more heroic than that. Now, I'm left with a disappointing day.
Timmy: Life's full of disappointments kid, and your mom's going to be one of them once we take you to her.
Timantha: Is anyone else curious to the fact that you look exactly like my brother?
Kid: It must be a gift in my opinion. I am Dappy Foxworth and I have heard so much about you, Timmy Turner.
Timmy: You have?
Dappy: Yes. Out of all the kids, you have courage to stand up to teachers, snobby rich kids and bullies. I don't know how you do it, but it is fascinating. It's almost like magic!
Timmy: (panicked) Uhh, yeah. Magic. Which does not exist.
Dappy: And in addition, I am your number one greatest fan!
Timmy: Wow, really? Who would've thought anyone would be my fan?
Neptunia: Many who dislike you, like your enemies.
(Astronov poofs up a zipper on Neptunia's mouth)
Timmy: I can tell this is going to be a great time for me.
(music montage; a slideshow of Dappy being around Timmy as the images slowly show Timmy being more annoyed; Dappy wakes up Timmy giving him a jump scare out of his bed and another image showing Timmy's head stuck in the ceiling; sitting right next to Timmy while he's trying to spend some quality time with Tootie on the bench in the Dimmsdale Park; Dappy talking to Vicky as she looks speechless and scared seeing how he looks identical to Timmy; Dappy disrupting Timmy, Chester and A.J. as they're trying to relax on the beach; Mr. Crocker runs through school walls after he saw Dappy; Timmy, Timantha and their parents covering their ears as Dappy plays the violin while they're trying to eat dinner)

(Timmy's Treehouse)
(Timmy quickly climbs up and shuts the door)
Neptunia: So, how's the fanboy deal working?
Timmy: It was a horrible time for me! This is the moment that I wish to forget right now. (Cosmo, Wanda and Poof raise their wands) I don't mean it literally!
(Cosmo, Wanda and Poof lower down their wands)
Timmy: What am I gonna do? He's my fan and I don't want to hurt his feelings.
Sally: (pops out through one of the holes in the treehouse) Well, the least thing you can do is talk to him. But not in a threatening way, he doesn't take that lightly.
Astronov: You know him, Sally?
Sally: I'm afraid so. He does nothing but make disturbing fan-fiction of people who inspire him. He's also home schooled.
Poof: That explains a lot.
Timmy: Well, I suppose I'll talk to him, explain to him about real life.
Chloe: (to Ivan and Timantha) Knowing Timmy, his knowledge of life is like a solid C-.
Ivan: Yeah. Plus, he tends to act like a jerk sometimes.
Timmy: Don't remind me of that.
Wanda: But he raised a good point, Timmy. Sometimes, you tend to be rude to your friends.
Sunny: Maybe we should help him talk things out with Dappy.
Timmy: Sally, where did Dappy come from? Why does he look like me? Did he attend your school?
Sally: I told you before, Timmy, Dappy's home schooled.
Timmy: OK. Alright guys, let's go talk to Dappy and sort things out.
All: Yeah.

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