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Solarview and Windypool Beginnings/Quotes

(The Prestonovich's house, Ivan's room)
Ivan: Thanks for helping me out with my homework, Chloe.
Chloe: You're welcome.
(Timmy and his fairies appear in Ivan's room)
Timmy: What's up, Ivan?
Ivan: Nothing much, I've been doing some homework with my girlfriend.
Sunny: Mom, dad, I've been meaning to ask you something.
Neptunia: What is it?
Sunny: How did you first meet each other?
Astronov: You really want to know how your mother and I first met?
Chloe: Yeah!
Ivan: I'm sure it must've been an interesting story.
Poof: I would love to hear how you two first met.
(Timmy, Ivan, Chloe, Sunny and Poof sit down)
Timmy: I'll bet it was pretty romantic.
Neptunia: In a way, it was romantic.
Astronov: We first met during our Spellementary School years.
Chloe: I wonder how you two looked like back then?
Wanda: I'll get the Carl Poofy Pants High School yearbook so you can have a look.
(Wanda poofs up the school yearbook and opens in up, showing pictures of fairies in the past)
Timmy: Okay, I see Cosmo, Wanda, Dr. Rip Studwell...but I don't see you guys in here.
Astronov: I'm over here. (points to a picture of his younger self in a corner of the yearbook's page)
Poof: You looked a lot gloomier back then.
Astronov: Well, that's because I didn't have the best time in school.
Ivan: I wonder what Neptunia looked like at the time?
Neptunia: Not as beautiful as I am now. (points to a picture of her younger, nerdier self)
(the godkids shiver)
Timmy: I can't believe you used to look like that.
Chloe: I'm guessing you were like the Ugly Duckling.
Sunny: Mom, you looked like Tootie back then, except without glasses.
Ivan: Say, how did my fairies get along with Timmy's fairy godparents back then?
Cosmo: I remember that Astronov and I used to be buddies back in high school. We were both unpopular, and I had a crush on Astronov's cousin - the Tooth Fairy. She was so gorgeous. Thing is, she also dated my cousin Jorgen, whom she would eventually marry.
(flashback to Carl Poofy Pants High School)
Astronov: (narrating) Cosmo and I used to go together like bread and butter.
Young Cosmo: Say, Astronov, can you do this homework for me? I didn't study for the lesson - I spent my time listening to the latest album from Brandy-Lynn.
Young Astronov: Well, okay, as long it doesn't become a recurring theme.
(Young Wanda is seen floating by young Astronov and young Cosmo, Astronov is love-struck by Wanda's appearance; young Astronov floats to Wanda)
Young Wanda: Uh, hello. Can I help you?
Young Astronov: Hi, my name's Astronov Solarview. What's your name?
Young Wanda: I'm Wanda.
Young Astronov: Ah, that's such a beautiful name - just like you.
Young Wanda: Thanks.
Young Cosmo: And I'm Astronov's friend, Cosmo!
Young Wanda: And what's your deal?
Young Cosmo: I like making jokes. Say, Astronov, your hair and eyes kinda reminds me of lemons. When life gives you lemons, and you and Wanda might get together, what will you make? Pink lemonade!
Young Wanda: Huh? (laughs) Oh, now I get it! That's pretty funny, Cosmo.
Young Cosmo: Oh, you're too kind.
Young Astronov: I agree with Wanda. You seem to have a hidden talent for jokes.
Young Tooth Fairy: (floats to young Cosmo, Astronov and Wanda) Ah, there you are, cousin. What are you doing?
Young Astronov: Well, Tooth Fairy, I'm trying to talk to this girl that I've met named Wanda.
Young Tooth Fairy: Wanda? She's like the most popular student in school. Don't you think she's a bit out of your league, Astronov?
Young Astronov: Uh, not really.
Young Cosmo: (voice cracks) Hi, Tooth Fairy.
Young Tooth Fairy: Oh, hey, Cosmo. What's up?
Young Cosmo: Would you like to go on a date with me?
Young Tooth Fairy: Not now. I've got to help out Jorgen first, teach him how to stand up for himself. I'll be seeing you later, though, Cosmo. (kisses Cosmo on the cheek, then floats away)
Young Astronov: You really like my cousin, don't you?
Young Cosmo: Yeah. Tooth Fairy's the first girl I'm in love with that isn't named Brandy-Lynn. I gotta go and freshen myself up. See you later, Astronov. (floats away)
Young Astronov: Later, Cosmo.
(a nerdy-looking fairy girl floats to young Astronov)
Young Neptunia: Hi, Astronov!
Young Astronov: Neptunia, what do you want?
Young Neptunia: What are you up to?
Young Astronov: Nothing much, just studying for the next class.
Young Neptunia: Have I ever told you you're cute?
Young Astronov: Yeah, you've said it a few times back in Spellementary School.
Young Neptunia: Can you believe that I barely passed that school?
Young Astronov: About that, I've made friends with a fairy who's actually never been to Spellementary School. He's not very smart either, though he does seem to put a smile on my face every once in a while.
Ivan: (interrupting the flashback) Wait a second, this reminds me of something.
Timmy: It kinda reminds me of my relationship with Tootie and Trixie.
Chloe: Turns out our fairy godparents had a similar relationship sometime in the past.
Sunny: So this is what my mom and dad used to be like when they were younger.
Poof: So like my parents too.
Astronov: Guys, you're getting a little distracted. Looking back, I realize what I was like back then. Do you want to hear the continuation?
Ivan: Yeah. We're interested in hearing more about how it all went down.
Astronov: (narrates) Back then, Neptunia always gushing over me, while I was more focused on Wanda. (flashback reassumes)


Young Cupid: Hey, who took my love arrows?
Young Astronov: It wasn't me. Check my pockets and my hands, Cupid. I'm smart enough not to take your love arrows.
Young Cupid: Oh, I see. Well, who took them, then?
(cut to Juandissimo with Cupid's arrows)

Young Cosmo: Hey, why are you pestering me, I thought you agreed to help me with math homework, you've lied to me!
Fairy Nerd #1: Ha ha, you're so pathetic, Cosmo Cosma!
Fairy Nerd #2: Yeah, although we are from Math Club and non so popular, still you are our favourite target.
Young Astronov: Hey, you two! Leave my buddy alone.
Fairy Nerd #1: Astronov Solarview, what a surprise that one of the best students in Carl Poofy Pants High School is here.
Fairy Nerd #2: Long time no see, Astronov. It's a shame you didn't join us.
Young Astronov: Listen here, Flounder and Booger, if you two don't stop bullying Cosmo now, I'll have to talk about how you actually wrote a math test by cheating!
(the fairy nerds look a little nervous after Astronov was saying)
Fairy Nerd #1: Okay, this never happened, we need to solve mathematical equations in another class.
Fairy Nerd #2: Cosmo, you're no longer our target, from this day on, we are clean!
(the fairy nerds fly away from the classroom in fear)
Young Cosmo: Astronov, buddy, thank you so much, these idiots were bothering me and pestering me, I thought they'd really help me with math homework.
Young Astronov: Don't worry Cosmo, those idiots from math club won't bother you anymore.

(a fairy with brunette hair approaches young Astronov)
Young Blonda: Hey, are you okay?
Young Astronov: Yeah, I guess.
Young Blonda: You dropped something. (gives Astronov's note book to him)
Young Astronov: Thank you. You remind me of one person that I like, what's your name?
Young Blonda: I'm Wanda's twin sister - Wendy.
Timmy: (interrupting the flashback) Wait a second, (looks at the year book and points at a picture of someone resembling Wanda) who is that fairy who kinda resembles Wanda?
Wanda: That's my twin sister Blonda. She looked a bit different back then.
Ivan: (looks at the fairy's name; "Wendy Fairywinkle") No way, her actual name was Wendy?
Chloe: Turns out Neptunia wasn't the only fairy who looked different - so was Blonda, and she wasn't originally named Blonda.
Poof: It makes sense, by the way, why Aunt Blonda changed her name from Wendy to Blonda in later years.
(flashback resumes)
Young Astronov: I really appreciate your help, Wendy.
Young Blonda: You're welcome. (gasps) Wow, it's Juandissimo! I gotta go! (floats away from Astronov)
Young Astronov: Juandissimo? How could girls like that jerk?!
Young Neptunia: Well, Astronov, if it makes you feel better, I don't like that Juandissimo jerk, no matter how muscular and...handsome he can be.
Young Astronov: Neptunia!
Young Neptunia: Oh, sorry. The point is, I don't want to see you get hurt by Juandissimo, he's such a bully, like Luthor Lex. I care deeply about you.

Young Astronov: Back, back, back up!

Young Neptunia: Astronov, will you go to the prom with me?
Young Astronov: No.
Young Neptunia: Please?
Young Astronov: No.
Young Neptunia: Pretty please?
Young Astronov: Let me make it perfecly clear - I DON'T LIKE YOU!
Young Neptunia: (voice cracking; in tears) Y-y-y-y-y-you... don't like me?
Young Astronov: Don’t you get it? I would've looked past your appearance if you weren't annoying, weird, and worst of all, stupid. Not to mention, you talk too much and you don't seem to get the hint that I don't like being stalked! I think you're a big nuisance and I really want you to just GO! HOME!!! WELL?!
(Young Neptunia angrily slaps Astronov and flies off crying)
Young Tooth Fairy: (sarcastically) Way to go, cousin.
Young Astronov: I just wanted Neptunia to get off my back. Was that too much to ask?
Young Tooth Fairy: I kind of understand why you wanted Neptunia to stop bugging you, but that was seriously uncalled for. She was in love with you, and you broke her heart. How are you gonna live with yourself?
(young Juandissimo pops up behind Astronov)
Young Juandissimo: Well, well, well, Astronov, I'm impressed.
Young Astronov: With what?
Young Juandissimo: It must've been pretty good to make a girl cry like that. Now I'm gonna do the same to you, by putting you through extreme pain!
(young Juandissimo punches Astronov repeatedly and gives him a wedgie, making Astronov scream in pain)

Young Wanda: Hey, Astronov, where's your girlfriend?
Young Astronov: I thought I would ask you out to the prom.
Young Wanda: No way! I'm going out with Juandissimo.
Young Astronov: You don't have to go with him.

(Madame Windypool's house; Madame Windypool entered her daughter's bedroom, hearing young Neptunia crying)
Madame Windypool: You're early. Is there something wrong, sweetie? Aren't you supposed to be at the prom?
Young Neptunia: (crying) Astronov, the boy that I liked, he dumped me. And after all those times I stood up for him!
Madame Windypool: How that boy made my daughter cry... He probably didn't mean it, sweetheart.
Young Neptunia: (weeping) Now I hate him, because he called me annoying, weird, and worst at all, stupid! I barely even passed Spellementary School.
Madame Windypool: Don't cry, I'm sure once that blows over, that boy Astronov will eventually apologise to you. To me, you are a beautiful girl, and even though you may have flaws, I'll love you no matter what. (hugs her)
Young Neptunia: I really appreciate it, but I wanna change, became more beautiful like Wanda, or as gorgeous as Tooth Fairy.
Madame Windypool: Yeah, sure darling. You can became the best version of yourself. For me, you will be always my special Neptunia Windypool, you are my daughter and my gem.
Young Neptunia: Thank you mom, for supporting me and always believing in me. (smiles)

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