Fairly Odd Fanon Wiki

Silent Night/Quotes

(Cake 'N' Bacon)
(Charlotte writing on her blueprints when Missy's voice was heard)
Missy: (heard) Yes, my seat is over there by the front.
(Missy takes her seat)
Charlotte: Hey, Missy. What's a good natured girl like you doing here at the Cake 'N' Bacon?
Missy: Why, eating bacon of course. In case you should know, I'm frosting intolerant. So, whatcha doin'?
Charlotte: Oh, just drawing some blueprints for my latest inventions. (points) This one represents time travel without any flawed errors.
Missy: Sounds useful.
Charlotte: While this one...
Customer: (loudly laughs while looking at his smartphone) Wow, these videos are so funny, I should email these!
Charlotte: As I was saying, this one... (customer continues speaking loudly while Charlotte struggles trying to talk) shows some... secret details of... the Declaration of Independence. And this one...
(customer shouting even louder; Charlotte's face turns red; steam comes out of her ears)
(everyone at the restaurant stares; Charlotte and Missy get kicked out)
Missy: Oh, sure, kick out the girls who just want some peace and quiet. Are you okay?
(Charlotte tries to speak but was unable to; she felt something different from the inside of her throat and gasps)
Missy: Charlotte, are you alright?
(Charlotte pulls up an X-Ray showing Missy that she lost her voice)
Missy: Oh, dear.
