"I Want to Be Loved" is a song in Return of the Musical: Vicky's Evil Plot! It is partly sung by A.J. about his desire to find his true love, for he feels lonely without her. Unbeknownst to him, a girl named Charlotte, whom he falls in love with later in the story, is also singing about wanting to find her true love.
A.J.: Oohh.....
I feel so lonely,
Day after day.
Timmy and Chester: Day after day....
A.J.: There's only one thing that I'd like to say...
I want to be loved!
I'm tired of this feeling!
I wanna be loved!
Timmy: Loved! Loved!
A.J.: There's no point in concealing
My desire to be loved!
(AJ walks away)
(Cut to Charlotte singing)
Charlotte: I want to feel loved!
I wanna feel like I belong!
I'm lost...
Someone please comfort me...
Hold me...
Hug me...
Kiss me....
Someone please love me!
Won't someone just say that I'm the one....
(song ends)