Fairly Odd Fanon Wiki

There are very few policies which apply across all Wikia. These can be found on the Central Wikia at Wikia:Category:Policy.

Other policies for this Wikia should be decided by the wiki community. It's generally best to keep policies as simple as possible, and not to introduce too many rules. A growing wiki can usually do well with a few simple policies and a lot of goodwill and cooperation.

Adding [[Category:Policy]] to any policy pages will add them to the policy category. This is found here.


  • No spamming. Please don't spam on articles or users' message walls. It's not funny, it's just being rude. Spamming in the comments is not allowed either. You will be blocked for 1 WEEK if you spam.
  • No vandalism. Please don't vandalize many pages, or in other wordd, please don't remove good quality content from pages. You will be blocked INDEFINITELY or for 1 YEAR if you do this.
  • Inappropriate language must be kept to a minimum. Do not use profanity or attacking users by swearing, you only use it for make other users laugh. And even then, it must be censored. For example: as* or f*ck. If the offensive/inappropriate language isn't censored, you will be blocked for 3 MONTHS.
  • Please don't upload inappropriate images. No sexuality, nudity, gay, killing, murdering, or some lesbian images. You will blocked for 9 MONTHS if you add inappropriate images.
  • No haters. If you hate The Fairly OddParents or fan-made episodes and characters, please don't say it to the comments. You will be blocked for 1 MONTH if you do this, or INDEFINITELY if this is repeated.
  • Ask admins first before recreating the pages that were previously deleted. Admin team deletes pages because the pages might violate the rules. If you feel the pages that previously deleted don't break the rules and you want to recreate that page, please ask the admins who deleted it first. You will be blocked for 1 WEEK if you recreate the page without asking the admin who deleted it.
  • No bullying or harassment. Bullying other people is a big no-no. Do not bully or harass other users by sending mean comments to their message walls or spamming their message wall. You will be let off with a few warnings if you do this, but you will be blocked INDEFINITELY or for 1 YEAR if you ignore the warnings and continue harrassing people.