Fairly Odd Fanon Wiki

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Fairly OddParents fans are currently making over 6,930 fanon articles, and you can help! So start havin' some fun!

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FOP episodes made by various fans!
Timmy is an average kid...
Explore Dimmsdale and Fairy World!
Fan made spin-offs about Fairies, side characters, and more!
Check out our fan-made DVDs!
Participate, it's fun!

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Da Rules

  1. You're allowed to create your own Fairly OddParents characters, stories and fanfics, even those involving canon characters, as long as the fanfics aren't too violent and don't contain inappropriate content (i.e. nudity or blood).
  2. Crossovers with other shows are allowed on this wiki, as long as it's exclusively with other Nickelodeon shows, such as Danny Phantom or SpongeBob SquarePants. Video game crossovers are also acceptable, as long as the respective franchises don't exceed the "Teen" rating.
  3. Please try to keep your opinions as civil as possible.
  4. Pages on cast members and voice actors are fine, as long as they're not blacklisted actors (such as Allison Mack or Jeffrey Tambor).
  5. Do not harass or bully other users. Cases of harassment towards other users (such as repeatedly spamming comments on the users' message walls) will result in the offending user being let off with a warning. In repeated cases, the offending user will be blocked.


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Picture of the Month

Billy in Billys Play Date
Baby Billy!
Previous Pictures of the Month...
