Fairly Odd Fanon Wiki

This is an episode guide to the fanmade FOP episodes


  1. MAL-Timmy
  2. She Poofs She Scores
  3. Double Trouble
  4. Turner Valentine's Day: Part 1
  5. Turner Valentine's Day: Part 2
  6. Bubble Gum
  7. Night at the Dimmadome
  8. The Extremely Popular Episode
  9. Tittie Toomy
  10. Popular Rejection
  11. Past to Future
  12. Wandimania
  13. Mr Grade A
  14. Nickelodeon Presents: Timmy's Last Stand
  15. Chicken Foops
  16. Play Date Mood
  17. Poofnapped
  18. Dune of Darkness
  19. Babysitting Blonda
  20. Heroes vs. Villans
  21. Bad Trixie
  22. Anti-Dimmsdale
  23. Double Wedding
  24. Finding Cosmo
  25. Dad Rules
  26. Go Trixie
  27. Bubble Trouble
  28. Raining Enjoy
  29. Lost
  30. Timmy Turner vs. Ghost Boy
  31. Flu Mom
  32. Teeth for Poof
  33. Wave Fun
  34. The First
  35. Jelita
  36. The Big Surprise
  37. Poof Proof
  38. Fairly Odd Kirby
  39. Baby Factory
  40. Babysitter Sings
  41. Friendly Francis
  42. Fun House
  43. Hear Hear
  44. Rubber and Glue
  45. Power Play!
  46. Journey to the Center of America
  47. Will the Real Cosmo Please Stand Up
  48. School Banned
  49. Animal Magnetism
  50. Pack of Lies
  51. Parents Day
  52. Just Kids
  53. Buck Tooth Winner
  54. Not Popular
  55. Crocker Baby
  56. Genie Bickles
  57. Anti Fear
  58. The Fairly OddBabies
  59. King Jorgen
  60. Blazegeeks
  61. Vicky Stinks
  62. The Seven Voyages of Philp
  63. Literally!
  64. Elmerella
  65. Summer Bummer
  66. Scarecroker
  67. Escape from Earth-L!
  68. The Fairly OddPrimates
  69. Listen Dogs
  70. Timmy and Bigfoot
  71. Frankenpoof
  72. Turners, There's A Stranger in My House
  73. Driving Timmy
  74. Who Trixie, Who Tang
  75. Dimmsdale Idol
  76. Yours, Mine & Poof
  77. Ultimate Storm
  78. Timmy Plays the Guitar
  79. Formula The Reason
  80. Tlimate G.E.E.K.
  81. Hungry Turners
  82. Saving His Fairies
  83. Alien Spirits
  84. Get Lost Bullies
  85. Party at Trixie's
  86. Hiccup cup and Away
  87. Turners, I Shrunk the Kids
  88. Planet Foop
  89. Ultra Timmy
  90. Wizard of OddParents
  91. My Shiny Teeth And Me: The Musical
  92. Spy OddParents
  93. Money Back
  94. See Timmy Run
  95. Timmy at Baseball
  96. Neos
  97. Everyone Loves Timmy's Fairies
  98. I'm On TV
  99. Circus Dad
  100. Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 4: Foop's Revenge
  101. Poof for Hire
  102. The Mend
  103. Trapped Gumballs
  104. Dimmmsdale's Funniest Home Videos
  105. Bedroom Restroom
  106. In a Tizzy over a Turkey
  107. Untold Chin Tales
  108. It's All Geek To Timmy
  109. Sqaud Poof
  110. Long Hot Recess
  111. Lemonade with a Twist
  112. The Finale Not
  113. Sand Fight
  114. Normal on the 15th
  115. Timmy's Eggs-Ray Vision
  116. Timmy's Love Song
  117. Timmy Turner: Boy Genius
  118. Super Timmy
  119. Remy's In Love
  120. The Vicky Virus
  121. How the Vicky Stole Christmas
  122. Breakin' Da Rules
  123. Dad's Dream
  124. The Same Aliens
  125. The Sad Story of Mr. Crocker
  126. 101 Timmys
  127. Trixie and the Beast
  128. Saving Private Poof
  129. Life of Timmy
  130. A Dog's Life
  131. Get A Clue
  132. Birthdays Every Day
  133. Poof! There He Is!
  134. Manic Popular Day
  135. Mixed Wands
  136. My Big Fat Poof Wedding
  137. Ten Little Boys
  138. Timmy On Ice
  139. All Trapped Up
  140. What Happens if You Wish to Be an Adult
  141. New Kids
  142. Timmy VS MAL Timmy
  143. Just the Four of Us
  144. There's Nothing Like A Show on Dimmsdale
  145. Stand Still
  146. Who Framed Timmy Turner
  147. Fairy Hunter
  148. Strugles for Love
  149. Foop and Poof
  150. Sleepy Weepy
  151. Trixie Loves Bubble Gum
  152. Battle of the Futurebots
  153. Cleft the Boy Chin Wonder Vs. The Thingamajigs
  154. Break a Wish
  155. Destroy Earth! (Or Not)
  156. CyberSpace Chase
  157. Dragon Drop
  158. Fairy Freeze
  159. Power Surge
  160. Shear Madness
  161. Tile Turner
  162. Unfairly OddParents
  163. Yugopotamia Mania
  164. Whoa Baby
  165. Follow That Baby
  166. Moon Poof
  167. Smellementary School
  168. Fairly OddStarfish
  169. Timmy in The Woods
  170. The Crimson Chin Meets The Chosen One
  171. The Dash of Dolly
  172. Choo Choo Cosmo
  173. Timmy Schooled
  174. Pippy in The Potty
  175. A Mouse and Cat Game
  176. Add-a-Mom
  177. Blast from the Past
  178. Fairly Odd Jokes
  179. Up All Night
  180. School's Out: The Musical 2
  181. Timmy's Twin
  182. Evil's Gone
  183. Jimmy Timmy Power Hour 5
  184. Timmy Ought To Be in Pictures
  185. Timmy and Stitch: The Big Beginning
  186. Timmy and Stitch: The Exciting Middle Part
  187. Timmy and Stitch: The Final Ending
  188. The Mighty Barnyard Fairy Fanrescue Mission in Miracle City
  189. Baby Drain
  190. Guts 'n' Glory
  191. Mini Timmy
  192. TV Problem
  193. Fairly Odd Date
  194. Lalalalalalala
  195. Magics on Poof
  196. Trimmy Adventures
  197. School of Doom
  198. Break All American Rules
  199. Mirrorland
  200. Hiccups
  201. Odd Barnyard
  202. Two Turners and a Baby
  203. Friendly Vicky
  204. Rule Stinks
  205. New Boyfriend
  206. The Anti Fairly OddParents
  207. Power Mad: A New Adventure
  208. Picture Day
  209. Blackeyed
  210. Never Be Afraid Of A Girl
  211. A Fly Too High
  212. Harmed
  213. Power Trip
  214. Candyland
  215. Ask Me Anything
  216. A Mighty Big Wish
  217. Timmy Turner: Action Hero
  218. Too Many Turners
  219. The Timmy Touch
  220. For Love or Money
  221. Vacation Frustration
  222. Wish Upon A Mom
  223. No More Commercials
  224. Timmy Sings The News
  225. Syurp Bubbles
  226. He's The Fairy
  227. Switch A Head
  228. A Fairly Odd Recess
  229. The Wonderful World of Timmy
  230. Pick A Dad
  231. Be Nice Poof
  232. Fast Fame
  233. Enter Maho Mushi!
  234. Poof Man
  235. Too Many Days of F.L.A.R.G.
  236. Catman Vs The Nega Chin
  237. Fairly Odd Bloopers
  238. Wishing Hell
  239. Detour Man Meets The Crimson Chin
  240. Operation Fairy
  241. No More Birthday Secrets
  242. Icky Norm
  243. Remy with the Norm
  244. A Alternate Wish Too Far
  245. Griffin Episode
  246. Master Squid
  247. The Horror of Nightmares!
  248. Back in Time
  249. Atlantis Timmypants
  250. The Mandie Supremacy
  251. Wee Doo
  252. Don't Poof Your Pants
  253. Wish Scouts
  254. Get Out Of My Head
  255. Ben Timmy
  256. Enduero Of Path
  257. So Experent Timmy
  258. Mortal Timmy
  259. Dimmsdale No More
  260. No Called Be With True Mr Turner Angry
  261. Alk
  262. Snow Place Like Home
  263. Stupid Dog
  264. Ballet Scouts
  265. OddHypno
  266. A New Family
  267. Timmy's 3-D House of Horror
  268. Mystic and Faries
  269. Croc Talk
  270. Swarm Pit
  271. Lost At Sea
  272. Journey to the center of Trixie Tang
  273. Hocus Pocus
  274. More Smellementary School
  275. The Dark Plan
  276. The Nude Swim Contest
  277. Timmy's Wishful Life
  278. Fairly Odd Jonas
  279. Fairy Overboard!
  280. 10,000 Wishes Below the Sea
  281. Around the World in One Night
  282. Chip Off The Old Self
  283. Icky Poof
  284. Cadde vs. Cadde
  285. Do The Scoobie Doo
  286. A Misty-cal Moment Part 1: Misty Begins...And Ends
  287. A Misty-cal Moment Part 2: To Save Dimmsdale (OR The Fall Of Lord Anti-Misty <Or is it?>)
  288. Formula for Disasters
  289. War Of The Loves
  290. Summer Job Pencil
  291. Iron Crock
  292. Pizza Sandwich Madness
  293. The Boss Of Bees
  294. Wand Power Lowering
  295. Showdown at Santa's
  296. Jimmy + Timmy Power Hour 6: Gary's World
  297. The Truth Hurts!
  298. Le Francais Recipe!
  299. Multi-Phrase Phase
  300. Let's Get Kraken, Kimmy!
  301. TG And DS Present: An All-Sound Parody: Welcome To FishBowl
  302. Everybody Was Mystcaly FIGHT-ING!
  303. Race of Doom
  304. The Next Mystic-Fu Kid/Mystic and Faries 2: The Big Sequel Thingy!
  305. Timronica
  306. A Fairly OddProduction: Don't Do It, Denzel!
  307. Playdate of Doom 2
  308. Spellementary School 2
  309. Wishland
  310. Camped Out
  311. Hey New Girl
  312. Token Wishes
  313. Baby Faces
  314. ¡Ay Caramba!
  315. Timmy & The Glee Club
  316. Time Out
  317. Bubble Gum Party
  318. When Anti-Cosmo Took Over Fairy World
  319. Cloudy With A Chance of Wishes
  320. All Washed Up
  321. Timmy Test
  322. The Boss of Me 2
  323. He Shoots He Scores
  324. Teacher's Pet 2
  325. Timmy's Nudity Club
  326. Timmy's New Year's Eve
  327. Timmy's Nudity Club 2
  328. Timmy Two-Shoes
  329. Gamer & Zolo In The Fairly OddParents (A.K.A. The Last Episode Of Season 10!)
  330. The Timmy Tommy Power Hour
  331. Rock Star
  332. Double Oh Anti Schnozmo
  333. Crouching Timmy, Hidden Wanda
  334. Nude Swimming Contest 2!
  335. Gross Encounters
  336. Ding Dong
  337. Cadde's Playdate
  338. Trixie's Party
  339. The Return of Anti-Cadde
  340. Fairly Odd Baby 2
  341. I Dream of Timmy
  342. The Chilli Con Carnival
  343. Unwiped
  344. Heartbreaker
  345. Fairy Worlds Collide
  346. Breakin' All the Speed Rules!
  347. Late Night
  348. Pimmy and Toof
  349. Scary OddParents
  350. Bad Luck, Good Luck
  351. Wicked Sitter
  352. The Same Poof
  353. Once Upon A Timmy
  354. The Accident
  355. All is Calm
  356. The Mark
  357. A Boy and His Poof
  358. A Pair of Clefts
  359. Poof's Journal
  360. Game, Set, Match
  361. Not Human
  362. To Love a Brownie
  363. Timberella
  364. Good vs Evil
  365. The Big Superzero Wish
  366. Crocker of Flour
  367. The Baby Flu
  368. It Was A Dark and Stormy Dinner Time
  369. Temporary Baby
  370. Manic Sunday
  371. Super Zero Returns
  372. Old Man and the A
  373. Please Don't Eat the Turners
  374. Engine Crocked
  375. Operation Dinklebot
  376. C- Turner
  377. Love Struck 2
  378. Odd Balls
  379. Fairy Idol 2
  380. Fairy Friends and Poof
  381. Timmy Copy
  382. Just Cakes
  383. F "Says the Man"
  384. Wishology 2
  385. For Wishes Only
  386. Timmy and Ferb
  387. 4 xs The Trixies = Timmy Handsome Man
  388. Kalediscope Timmy
  389. Anti Timmy
  390. Store Wars
  391. Timmy in the House
  392. Planet Timmy
  393. The Dinkle Parents
  394. The Pickle Caper
  395. The Big Book of Stairs
  396. Bubble Poof
  397. Goodbye Forever
  398. No More Really Bad Days
  399. The Mesmeriseing
  400. The Phantom OddParents
  401. Fairy Genes
  402. Poof vs Foop
  403. A Fairy Tale
  404. Cellular Fever
  405. The Revenge of Dr. Vulcan
  406. Fairly Odd SquarePants
  407. Timmy is Mario
  408. Trixie Blows a Bubble....For Some Reason
  409. The Simpsons Came
  410. You Believe in 2012
  411. It's Always Sunny in Dimmsdale
  412. Fairlyrama
  413. Too Many Swears
  414. The Dream Forever After
  415. I Don’t Want God on TV
  416. Cameras Ever
  417. Poof's First Wand
  418. Cosmo Overborad
  419. Poof's Birthday
  420. Foop's Doomdate
  421. Kiss Me
  422. I Heart My Wand
  423. Timmy Duaeaeaeaeaeaea
  424. I Now Pronounce You Wife and Cat
  425. Fanboy and Chum Chum Vs. Timmy Turner
  426. Mad House
  427. Mexico Mil Rules
  428. Something Wrong!
  429. Crime Murder Francis
  430. Manapolio City
  431. Nickelodion Presents: Drake of Doom
  432. Love Cube
  433. Catman Returns
  434. Paralel Self
  435. Fairy Vegas, Baby !"
  436. Magic Radio
  437. Comet Rises!
  438. Misty's Family Last Day
  439. Fight For Timmy's Love
  440. Time Done
  441. Fairy Nightmare
  442. Too Cool for School
  443. Beer Attack
  444. A Bug's Bite
  445. Coming to a Turner Near You
  446. Cosmo is PRANKED
  447. Godfellas
  448. Bubble Snapshots
  449. How Many Buses Do We Have To Get Home?
  450. Fairly For Parents
  451. Babysitting Turner
  452. The Saga of Francis
  453. Company Fight
  454. Nothing Anymore
  455. The God Fight
  456. Trootter
  457. Leaf Catch
  458. Engine Fixed
  459. Cookie Scouts
  460. Catman Meets Mighty Mom and Dyno Dad
  461. A New Baby in Town
  462. Hiccups and Downs
  463. Secret Admirer
  464. Picturementary School
  465. Bonding Time
  466. A Spellmentary Valentine
  467. I’m Happy Betty Poofy
  468. Picturella
  469. Pictarella Final Chapter
  470. Wanda's Family Death
  471. Parents,Get Out
  472. Just a Dance
  473. Wanda's Birthday
  474. Bubbles
  475. Timmy's Christmas Present
  476. School Never
  477. Mega-Mall
  478. Not Real Fairly Odd Parents
  479. Fairly Fanonmovie
  480. Heven and Hell
  481. Cosmo Bad
  482. Timmy Alone
  483. Timmy's Christmas Holiday Spactacullar
  484. A Fairly OddShort: Fall in Love Timmy Turner
  485. It's A Wishful Life of Comics
  486. Mall Trapped
  487. We Come In Peace
  488. New York Parents
  489. Baby Attack
  490. Bye Poof
  491. 1000 Years of Timmy
  492. Timmy and Stiffy
  493. Timmy & the Glee Club 2: When the Going Gets Weird, Yankovic it
  494. The Unharmed
  495. Mystic Leaves
  496. A Fairly Odd Halloween
  497. Fairy Fairy Quite Contrary 2
  498. Truth or Vivanquences
  499. Family Affairs
  500. A Fairly Odd Birthday
  501. Camp Sherwood
  502. Rare Comic Book
  503. Vickys' Last Official
  504. Genies and Pixies
  505. Men Or Mouse
  506. Kirby!
  507. Moar Timmy
  508. Pataclaun
  509. Brine Suffer
  510. Croker Fairy
  511. Best Fairy Best
  512. The Revenge of The Crockers
  513. Flashback Turners
  514. Ghosts, Fairies and Dogs! Oh My!
  515. The Sick
  516. Daddy Phantom
  517. ITimmy
  518. Wizard of Dimmsdale
  519. Wishmas Every Day
  520. Wipedout!
  521. Fairly God Future
  522. Coulon
  523. Grow Up Parents
  524. Fairly Odd Finale

Fairly OddParents 2[]

  1. Timmy Hero