Charlotte is a young girl who is a new student in Denzel Crocker's class. She is a bit of a bookworm who especially enjoys reading fantasy and romance novels. Amphibians are her favorite animals, and she has a snarky sense of humor. She and A.J. are in love, and she is also good friends with Tootie and Veronica, but she does not like Trixie Tang's snootiness, and like the rest of the kids in Dimmsdale, she fears Vicky. Despite her dislike of Trixie, she was willing to join her resistance against Vicky in "Return of the Musical", though it's possible Trixie bribed her into it.
Not much is known about Charlotte at first. Her room is shown during rebroadcasts of her part of "I Want to Be Loved" from "Return of the Musical" and she seems to have a crush on A.J. Also noted are drawings of Vicky, Crocker and Francis on her wall, each one having a red X over it, suggesting she hates them.